Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

First Week at School After The Holiday

Firstly, gue mau ngucapin selamat buat sahabat gue yang udah jadian sama temen deket gue! Congrats! Akhirnya usaha gue di kelas satu dulu berbuah hasil di kelas 2 ini!


Mereka berdua bikin gue pengen… Sumpe, dah! Temen deket gue itu yang cowok dan...gilaaaa! Dia so sweet abis ke sahabat gue itu. Huhu…betapa semakin nelangsa diriku yang jomblo ini menyaksikan mereka berdua! Ugh!

Well, eniwei…semester 2 ini bakal diisi oleh segudang les yang bikin tubuh gue bisa jadi cungkring kayak SMP lalu. Padahal SMA ini gue bersyukur bisa punya tubuh berisi menggantikan sosok cungkring gue ala SMP dulu. Haduh…

Tiap hari bakal ada les tambahan dari sekolah. Alasannya, karena kami semua udah di kelas 2 akhir. Persiapan dini buat UAN kelas 3 nanti. Wiah! Gilak! Bisa berasap otak gue kalo tiap hari dikasih les MaFiKiBio melulu. Aaaarrgh! SPP naik 30 rebu buat biaya les tambahan itu. Hayyahhh!

Demi masa depan gue yang cerah…huhu…hiks…hiks…gue rela deh…

Oh ya, hari ini nyebelin banget. Kan ada tugas baru lagi buat pelajaran seni di semester 2 ini (suruh bikin maket sekolah gitu), nah mesti bentuk kelompok baru lagi. Eh…gue dapet satu kelompok sama 123 yang super nyebelin itu!? Watdehel??? Shoot! Mimpi apa gue semalem?!!!!

Kata Hani, sih mimpi kejatuhan duren. Ih! Boro-boro! Mimpi kejatuhan taik kebo, iya!

Hmmfph…paling nggak masih ada Ryan sama Vita lah buat temen ngobrol satu kelompok…

Sore ini, murid-murid les Ibu mulai les lagi, dan si Nabila bawain gue majalah Bobo edisi khusus Harry Potter yang, sumpah, bikin gue makin pengen baca versi Indonesianya yang buku ke-7. Gue punya sih E-book-nya yang English version, tapi males bacanya. Banyak istilah literatur Inggris yang kagak mudah dipahami. Jadinya, berhenti baca deh di halaman 32. Capek…

liputan pertamanya ini

ini potonya Akang Daniel

Hmm…udah ah…gue mandi dulu ya. See ya, people!


Minggu, 25 Januari 2009

Watchout! I’m Coming Back Again!

Well, I’m doing such kinda “borongan” update. Feel free to enjoy it or not.

It was raining when I wrote this in my Microsoft Word’s file. And when you read it, that’s when I probably have gone to the deepest part of my dream.

Uh! I hate hard rain. Feels like you are in a big hurry and troublesome situation. You can’t go anywhere but stay at home. But I love if it’s just a drizzle. Just like my bestest friend, Lia. She loves it too.

Hmmph…what was I feeling this last two week?


Suddenly, when I was writing this part I remembered Mocca’s lyrics. Forgot the title :

Losing you it’s not the end of the world
But it’s true that it hurts me so bad

Yeah…you name it a-broken-heart maybe…

To you, the one who broke my heart without realizing it and would never visit my blog to read this…

I’ve done everything to make you notice me
Don’t you ever feel it?
I’ve been dreaming about the day you’ll say you love me too
But it’s just a mistake I made
The mistake that I would never do again
For you, well, I wish…


Those Picture were…Unsensored!

I’ve been waiting so long to put these picture here on my blog. Enjoy!!! (Keep enjoying them if you feel your body health is good enough or stop enjoying them if you feel kinda sick because they’re having a big chance to make your body health less).

Hahaha! We’re having such trouble-punched-brain at the moment!!!



Well, 20th of Januari has passed and so…I’m coming back here with my daily stories as always written before I join the writing competition.

This time, will be all about holiday, people! Let me say it again, HOLIDAY!!!

This holiday was soooooo…great… I went to my grandparent’s house in Lumajang, and stayed there for 4 days. Like usually, it was so refreshing to have stayed in a small village (you can see so many green farms anywhere there. And so about the small-clean rivers). But there, I couldn’t find any “warnet” to get internet connection. I have to go to the central town to get it. And I didn’t want to. That’s why I couldn’t visit my ‘another world’ a.k.a internet for a long time, even just to say “Hi…”. The central town was sooo far from my grandpar house. Better for me to wait till I come home.

But before I went to Lumajang, I’ve had a fun time with my best friends in Pletuk Waterfall. They’re some pictures taken by Lukas’s and Andyka’s phone camera :

And the one I like most :

Whenever I look at that picture, I feel kinda emotional…dunno why…

I wondered if I stayed still in Alma Islamic Boarding School, I would never had those very great picture! I love high school’s time!!!!


Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Ngomong-Ngomong Tentang Bumi, Nih… ..::Kompetisi Website Kompas MuDA - IM3::..

Ngomong-ngomong tentang bumi jaman sekarang, pasti nggak lepas dari pembalakan liar, global warming, suhu panas dan polusi dimane-mane. Sampe capek gue denger and liatnya. Hhh… Apalagi soal global warming.

iya kan???

Well, eniwei kalo dipikir-pikir ya miris juga. Kita yang ninggalin bumi, kita yang berkehidupan di atas bumi, tapi terkadang secara nggak sadar kita sendiri yang ngerusak dia. Yap, nggak sadar. Kebanyakan, sih begitu. Gue juga nih, nggak mau munafik deh. Sering lupa matiin lampu kalau mau tidur, sering lupa matiin air, sering buang-buang bensin dipake muter-muter nggak jelas juntrungannya. Ngaku, deh! Kalian juga kan? Gue tahu itu salah dan kasihan juga sama bumi. Tapi suka lupa aja dan seringnya begitu.

Tapi, manusia kan pasti ada masa “sadarnya” kan? Nah, kalau pas sadar begitu gue suka uring-uringan sendiri kalau ada yang buang-buang air sama listrik. Semua alat elektronik di rumah gue matiin tiba-tiba. Bahkan pernah pas bokap gue nonton tivi siang-siang, gue lewat di depan tivinya, terus gue pencet tombol powernya. Beliau langsung ngedumel. Hehe… Kipas angin di kelas pun pernah gue matiin saat sepi orang, padahal temen gue ada yang suka banget dikipas angin-in. Dia merengut langsung, haha! Semua orang di sekitar gue sewot semua kalo gue kumat begitu.

Yah…gue sih pengennya setiap hari sadar. Tapi, sumpah susah banget. Sadarnya tuh cuman kalo pas udel gue bolong aja. Hehe…

The point is, I keep trying. Would you? I know you would!


Global Warming : My English Assignment ..::Kompetisi Website Kompas MuDA - IM3::..

Global warming is a very popular issue. Nowadays, people always talk about it. They make their campaign for giving us information about the effect. But, they never do something real to help the earth. Well, most of them.

So, what should we do?

Firstly, we have to save our environment from pollutions and rubbishes. How? Throw your rubbish into the right place that the government have given a.k.a garbage (if you're on the road) and reduce the using of motorcycle and all the things that caused pollutions.

Secondly, plant more green plants. Do it first for your garden and environment, at least. They can reduce the pollution, beside making the air fresher.

Thirdly, be aware of our forest. Obey the law of illegal logging and if we find some deviation, we must report it to the legal institution.

We have to be care, that's the point, friends.


Global Warming : Second Edition ..::Kompetisi Website Kompas MuDA - IM3::..

Firstly, we’ll talk about the definition of global warming. What does global warming mean?

Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation..
And based on nearly every scientific projection, it's only going to get warmer. The question is how warm?

If temperature increases are kept to 1 to 2 degrees, it is manageable. But if warming increases to 5 to 9 degrees or even more, the effects on our planet will be catastrophic. We must begin to take certain steps now.
So, for this case, what’s the exact causes? Among other effect of greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide, the most plentiful of the greenhouse gases, is produced by power plants, cars, manufacturing, and residential and commercial buildings. And here is the key: Carbon dioxide doesn't dissipate. It stays in the atmosphere for five decades or more, causing Earth's temperature to rise.

The important one, The Earth has already warmed 1 degree in the past century and we're seeing the dramatic effects, likes, glaciers are melting, heat waves, droughts, hurricanes, floods, mass species extinctions and the increase of disease vectors.

So the points of this topic are, if we’re refuse to act, or act too slowly, and humans will have caused the most sudden temperature shift in the history of the planet. But, if we act soon and decisively, global warming can be limited to 1 to 2 degrees. This, I contend, should be our goal. We should be leading the change. Now, it’s time to act Be energy conscious. Bring pressure on your utility, your government, and commit yourself and your family to reduce energy consumption, Don't shift the burden to the next generation, The choice is clear. It is time to stop talking and to begin acting. Let’s lead our life head to the best future.



Global Warming : First Edition ..::Kompetisi Website Kompas MuDA - IM3::..

I’m sure we all know about this very big issue.

Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century.This big issue is very important to talk about. That’s why there are so many campaign which held to show us the dangerous side of global warming.Global warming is caused by the air pollution, the using of the greenhouse, the using of the air conditioner and the destructions of some environmental places on earth.And the hottest news lately, is about the climate change.

Climate change is any long-term significant change in the “average weather” that a given region experiences. Facing this problem, there is no use for us if we just talk, talk, and talk about what global warming is, what climate change is, without doing any real helpful step for our earth.The example of the real step is The United Nations Climate Change Conference 2007 in Bali which held from 3-15 of December. This event showed us that most of the countries in all over the world, care about this issue. But after helding this event, we should take others real step. If not, it will be useless either.

Now, I have some things to think about. Did you know that you can help the environment if you buy recyclable products instead of non recyclable ones? Look for the recycle mark three arrow that make a circle on the package. Recyclable products are usually made out of things that already have been used. It usually takes less energy to make recycled products than to make a new one. The less energy we use, the better.


Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

Fokus Ke Kompetisi Mudaers Dulu, Ya…

Well, folks

Kayaknya sampe dua sampe tiga minggu ke depan, gue nggak akan lagi posting tentang kehidupan sehari-hari gue, deh. Gue mau fokus ke Kompetisi Mudaers Kompas yang gue ikutin itu.
Jadi, lombanya tentang menulis. Well, selalu. Karena itulah satu-satunya kemampuan gue di dunia ini selain ngupil, hiks…(lho?). Wkwkwkwk :D …wokeh-wokeh, back to the laptop, eh, topic maksudnya. Gue bakal nulis segala sesuatu tentang BUMI kita. Yak! BUMI! Tapi bukan berarti gue bakal nulis beribu-ribu kata BUMI disini…*kenapa gue ngerasa ada orang yang ngatain gue bego, ya barusan?*. Gue bakal nulis tentang segala bentuk kepedulian dan pemikiran gue tentang bumi, bahwa bumi itu bulat (kayak jeruk!), bahwa kepedulian kita untuk bumi itu penting, walaupun sekecil apapun. Ya, pokoknya yang gitu-gitu deh. Informasi-informasi terbaru juga tentang global warming dan manusia-manusia yang dengan biadabnya membuat efek global warming itu semakin parah! Parah! PARAAAHH! AAAAARRRRGH! Gue ngeliat kecoaaaa!!!


Oke? Jadi, don’t miss my magical daily story which based on my magical point of view ya…(kayak yang baca blog lo sampe berjeti aja, Zhi!)

So, keep coming and reading though what you read is not the thing that you absolutely understand : EARTH. (even me! haha! just kid…)
If you care about our earth too, let me know! Lets share what we can learn
. Wokeh?!

Lets start to strengthen our love for earth


Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Tugas Kesenian

Gue tadi nyelesain tugas seni abstrak gue yang bertemakan emosi. Sama Si Beib (ingat! Dia bukan cowok gue! Baca postingan ini), Vita sama Mita. Asik, soalnya main teplok catnya aja di kanvas. Hehe…Satu-satunya cowok di kelompok gue yang cuma terdiri dari 4 personil :

Oh ya, tadi dia abis curhat gitu ke gue sama Mita abis selesai ngecat. Lagi kacau bener dia! Ruwet! Bareng Siput juga, sih tadi curhatnya. Tapi dia diem aja. Seperti biasa.
Eh, tapi tadi Siput berhasil motret awan aneh gitu. Hasilnya *menjijikkan* mengesankan. At least menurut gue sama dia.

no camera effect! ini view belakang sekolah, lho! bukan di pedesaan.

Well, see ya when I see ya


CeLeBuK…Kata Mereka Gitu…


Kayaknya gue CLBK, deh!

Tau, kaaaann???

Kok bisa ya? Ah, sebel! Harusnya kan CLBK itu dilarang…apalagi kalo CLBKnya sama dia…123…

AAAARGH!!! Habisnya dia annoying banget, sih di kelas! (hah? Annoying kok malah bikin CLBK?) Pokoknya gitu, deh. Dia tuh cari-cari perhatian gitu. Sering banget. Sampai sebel gue! (tapi suka, hehe…)

Contohnya nih ya:

Pas pelajaran bahasa Indonesia beberapa hari yang lalu, kami satu kelas dapet tugas bikin puisi bebas. Nah, giliran suruh baca, gue nggak nyangka kalo dia bakalan bacain puisi yang bikin gue, well, kege-eran. Apalagi momennya waktu itu lagi nggak pas. Gue lupa siapa anak yang baca puisi sebelum dia, yang jelas itu anak pakai iringan lagu D’Cinnamon – Selamanya Cinta, which is lagu itu yang selalu berhasil bikin gue nangis bombay. Dan nangislah gue seketika itu juga. Eh, tahu-tahu dia dipanggil maju buat baca dan nggak ngeganti musik iringan dia. So, I kept crying…
Begini kira-kira puisinya, seinget gue :

Aku melihat seorang wanita cantik…
Dengan sehelai kain putih membalut rambut indahnya
Terlihat tegar, mampu melindungi dirinya sendiri…

Akhir-akhirnya begini kalau nggak salah…

Tuhan…jika dia berjodoh denganku, dekatkanlah dia padaku…
Jika dia musuhku, tancapkanlah dia di dadaku agar tak pernah pergi dariku…

Atau kira-kira begitulah…agak-agak lupa juga soalnya…

Langsung aja anak-anak pada teriak-teriak ke gurunya, khususnya anak-anak yang pada tahu masa lalu gue sama dia,
“Mazhi, Bu itu yang dimaksud! Mazhi, Bu! Kan Mazhi pakai jilbab! Ciee…”

Mampus gue! Waktu itu gue lagi merosot di bawah bangku, nangis gara-gara lagu SC itu. Jadinya, gue nangis sambil nahan-nahan ketawa gara-gara puisi itu tadi. Hwahahahaha!!

Gue kira sih, gue cuman bakal cukup sampe tahap ge-er aja. Eh, nggak tahunya kelakuan dia yang begitu berlanjut dan berulang-ulang. Jadilah gue terkontaminasi juga…hehe…

Kayak kemarin, pas semesteran Matematika…

Gue mau pinjem tip-ex ke Junita. Biasanya juga maen dilempar aja itu tip-ex sama Junita lewat depan muka 123. Dan biasanya sih dia juga biasa aja. Tapi kemarin nggak biasa. Kali ini gue yang ngebalikin ke Junita. Nah gue lempar lah lewat depan muka dia kayak biasanya. Terus, dia ngelus-elus hidung mancungnya dan ngelirik gue sambil senyum-senyum. Gue langsung reflek bilang, “Sorry…”
Padahal, SUER! Nggak kena lho! Beneran, sumpah! Dasar caper aja tuh anak!

Nggak tahu kenapa waktu ngeliat dia masuk kelas tadi pagi, gue senyum-senyum sendiri. Terus keinget puisi dia waktu itu…hwahahaha!!! Malah pengen ngakak!

Masih ragu nih…CLBK bukan yaaaa…?????


Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Wishlist and Resolution This Year

Kok semua orang pada sibuk bikin resolusi tahunan ya? Termasuk gue? Hehe…

Itu karena semua orang pengen jadi lebih baik dari tahun ke tahun. Am I right?

So here they aremy wishlist and my resolution for 2009
First, resolution :
1. Khatam Al-Qur’an untuk yang kedua kalinya
Sampe umur 17, gue baru satu kali khatam Al-Qur’an. Itu pun waktu SD dulu. Gue malu sama adik-adik gue yang pada hapal surat-surat juz 30 yang agak-agak panjang itu. Pokoknya mesti berusaha!
2. Bertahan di kelas IPA
Pokoknya jangan sampe gue dipindah ke IPS! Impian gue nggak boleh lepas hanya gara-gara gue ndableg dan jadi dipindah ke IPS! Kan biasanya gitu tuh. Yang keliatan egla-egle di IPA, bisa aja dipindah ke IPS sama wali kelasnya.
3. Lose weight
Target 52 kg mesti terpenuhi! Harus! Sekarang 56kg, bulan depan harus bisa 54kg! Jadi, akhir tahun lagi nanti sudah 52kg. But, no diet! Just do more exercises! Makanya sekarang tiap akhir pekan gue selalu olahraga ke stadion. Jalan kaki muter stadion 4 kali, terus larinya 2 kali putaran. Jadi, Sabtunya pelajaran olahraga di sekolah dan Minggunya olahraga sendiri di stadion.
4. Lebih tinggi 3cm lagi
Sekarang ini tinggi gue 167cm. Harus bisa nyampe 170cm. Dengan basket tiap Sabtu disekolah, minum Zevit, susu Hi-Lo. And do more exercises!
5. Berhasil nembus pasar buku Indonesia
Inilah resolusi terbesar tahun 2009. Maksudnya nerbitin novel gitu. Diusahakan buku pertama tahun ini bisa tembus penerbit! Semangat!
6. Bisa nyelesain The Sims.
Udah lama nggak main, terbengkalai jadinya. (nggak penting, sih! Tapi pengen aja bisa namatin seri pertama! Hehe…basi, deh!)

Sedangkan wishlist gue…
1. Gue pengen novel Twilight! Gue belum baca buku itu, jujur aja. Padahal malah udah nonton trailer filmnya. Dan ibu udah ngejanjiin Twilight kalo sampe ujian semester kali ini gue nggak remidi Fisika.
2. Bisa ngecat kamar jadi ijo. Sekarang ini kamar gue warnanya biru tua sama kuning. Udah bosen.
3. Rak buat koleksi novel gue. Udah dua lusin lebih, bingung mau naroh dimana. Selama ini sih ditaroh di meja belajar, tapi jadinya malah nggusur buku-buku pelajaran gue.
4. Pengen punya microSD 2 GB buat 5300 gue, ngegantiin 256 MB-nya yang sekarang. Suka sebel kalo nemu lagu bagus di stafaband.info, tapi cuman bisa didengerin di laptop doang. Nggak bisa dimasukkin hape gara-gara memori hape yang bakal overload.
5. Digicam milik pribadi. Biar nggak pinjem-pinjem punya Si Beib lagi kalo butuh.

Karena wishlist lebih condong ke barang…jadinya yang mungkin-mungkin aja yang ditulis. Kalo gue nulis rumah pribadi ya nggak mungkin. Secara gue masih sekolah. Ya to?
Well, anyway…do’ain ujian gue lancar seminggu ke depan ini yah…

See ya


Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

I Stole and I Grabbed …

Haha! I stole these picture from Lya’s flashdisk. They’re just so laughable. Hehe…bener nggak sih ada istilah laughable? crazy pose, wasn't it?

the charming "ksatria bergitar" (what the...!!??)

adoring the wrong guy

That was just the other silly things that we do at school. That was on Wednesday, when we went home earlier, I don’t exactly remember why.
And the next three, were the pictures that made me wonder all the day. Kenapa cewek-cewek IPS itu lebih narsis daripada cewek-cewek IPA? Gue sebagai anak IPA (wueeh…sombong!) udah merasa narsis, kok masih juga ada yang ngalahin!?

see what I mean?

can't stop!

they're the people who takes the most part

Anyone knows why???
