Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

I Stole and I Grabbed …

Haha! I stole these picture from Lya’s flashdisk. They’re just so laughable. Hehe…bener nggak sih ada istilah laughable? crazy pose, wasn't it?

the charming "ksatria bergitar" (what the...!!??)

adoring the wrong guy

That was just the other silly things that we do at school. That was on Wednesday, when we went home earlier, I don’t exactly remember why.
And the next three, were the pictures that made me wonder all the day. Kenapa cewek-cewek IPS itu lebih narsis daripada cewek-cewek IPA? Gue sebagai anak IPA (wueeh…sombong!) udah merasa narsis, kok masih juga ada yang ngalahin!?

see what I mean?

can't stop!

they're the people who takes the most part

Anyone knows why???


5 casciscus:

Roseita mengatakan...

wets gw juga anak ipa sii..
tapi jgn beda2in antara ipa ma ips lahh

Beritman mengatakan...

wah kayaknya sepatu yang diangkat itu gak mo kalah narsis ya...hehehe

salam kenal..

kezialee mengatakan...

anak ips lebi narsis dari anak ipa?
ga juga kali ya.
tergantung individunya ajah.
malah ada temen g suka poto sama sekalii *saia penghuni ips* XD

Cipu Suaib mengatakan...

lama gak mampir, makin colorful aja..... Main2 ke blog ku juga yah

NAnO WiBiSonO mengatakan...
