Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

I Apologize

So sorry, can't hold my words.

I've moved.


It's just that I need some refresher.

Visit here.


Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

Such A Long Time ...

Yeah, babies …
For such a long time I didn’t write anything here. I’m lack of ideas. Too stressed with schools. Sorry …
What I mean ‘stressed’ here is that I’m now in my last grade of high school. Courses, studies, woo…they give me some kind of stressfull opening of my new academy year. Next year, I’VE GOT TO BE GRADUATED from high school and GOT TO BE ACCEPTED in University State of Malang or the second choice, University State of Surabaya. I really don’t wanna think about it hard, cause I know that it might make me more stressed. But yeah, I have a brain that does its work too good so that I can’t stop thinking about it. Perfect.
And yeah, I did look for something that can make me forget those school things at least for a while. I started a new business! It’s a pre-order clothing business. Open it from my fb account, Freundin Onlineshop. I’ll make my own money, Daddy! :D

Anyways…my relationship with Rizal goes well. Perfectly well. And I love it. And love him too. :)

I actually still have many stories that I got to tell you. But like I said, I’m lack of ideas how to spill it. Hmph…

Start from now, I’ll try to keep this blog updated. Really.



Senin, 06 Juli 2009

Enjoyed Holiday : Bali

Habis dari Pacitan, istirahat di rumah 2 hari, gue berlayar ke Bali. Huiiiiihh! Yang satu ini tak terlupakan. Beneran! ‘Wow’ abis! Liburan bareng temen-temen seangkatan yang paling unforgettable!
Hari pertama, kami ke Sanur, Tanjung Benoa, GWK, Tanjung Benoa lagi, Joger, terus ke Kuta.
Hari kedua, kami nonton tari Barong (gara-gara gak dapet kursi, kami nonton putaran kedua), ke Pusat Jajan Bali, ke Galuh, nonton Barong yang nggak jadi tadi, pasar seni Sukowati, pusat grosir Karang Kurnia, terus Tanah Lot. Di tanah lot gue males masuk pura, jadinya poto-poto aja.
Hari ketiga, kita ke Bedugul sama Pantai Lovina, terus pulang. Nah, pas pulang ini yang bakal gue kenang seumur hidup. He declared his feeling that night on the bus! Iyayy!!! I’ve been just wondering about that, and then that happened! You have no idea how blushing I was! Aaahh! And I answer ‘YES’ to something that he asked me. Bus, I’m in love!
Well, still there are 5 days to come before back to school. And I can’t hardly wait for school and fight for my future!
Give you some pictures, for more, see my facebook account.

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See ya, people!


Enjoyed Holiday : Pacitan

First week, like I said I went to Pacitan. Gue jadi panitia outbound buat adek-adek kelas 1 yang udah pada naek kelas 2. Seru banget! Gu nyobain flying fox dkk. Amazing! Gue satu-satunya orang yang teriak paling kenceng pas meluncur. Hehe…
Malemnya, ada JJM di hutan kecil di pinggir pantai Teleng Ria, Pacitan. Tapi kali ini nggak sesukses jaman angkatanku outbound tahun kemarin. Pohonnya udah nggak selebat dulu. Udah pada digunduli, jadinya kalau malem nggak segelap yang diharapkan.

Tapi meskipun gitu, haha, tetep aja ada adek kelas yang nangis dan nggak berani disuruh jalan sendirian dalam hutan.
Gue selalu ketawa ngakak dalam hati pas ada adek kelas yang mau ngelewati pos pertama, which is pos yang gue jaga (FYI, semua panitia OSIS cewek nggak ada yang ngepos kecuali gue! Hebat!) barengan Bu Enny sama Hafidh. Kenapa gue ngakak? Habisnya tingkah ketakutan anak-anak kelas 1 tuh unik-unik. Ada yang baru ngeliat bayangan gue, Bu Enny sama Hafidh di kegelapan aja udah langsung berhenti terus nangis jongkok, ada yang teriak-teriak, ada yang mundur pelan-pelan sambil nanyain “Itu siapa disitu?”. Haha! Pokoknya asik banget nakut-nakutin mereka. Yang cewek kebanyakan cengeng semua.

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itu lukas
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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
gue lagi, hehe...
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si beib
Bali stories, look up!


Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Holiday Plants or Plans?

Before all :
Gue dapet foto ini pas ke sekolah Sabtu kemarin. Terserah mau ditanggepin gimana. Atau juga nggak ditanggepin, mereka nggak akan keberatan. Hehe...

Minggu depan, gue ke Bali! Iyayy! Excited. Mantep!
Gue baru ngedaftar lagu yang mau gue masukin ke mp3 gue buat didengerin selama perjalanan, baru ngerencanain make baju apa di hari pertama, sampe ketujuh di sana. Haha! Yeah, silly. Tapi fun karena gue lagi nganggur libur di rumah.
I’ve got 2 new piece of clothes. Cardigan and a Moslem suit. I don’t know why my mother suddenly become very generous to me. Hehe…

By the way, Hunian bikin huru-hara! Wiiiaaah! Dia ngasih tahu 123 tentang sms konyol gue yang udah lama disimpen Hunian. Dikirimlah ke 123. Gue belum tahu apa reaksinya. Tapi kata Hunian, SEMPURNA. Hah! What? Yang ada gue malu mampus!!

Benjo!!! Besok gue rapat outbound. Hhh! Liburan gue kayaknya penuh dengan acara pergi-pergian, nih. Ke Pacitan, Bali, Jogja. Outbound, tour, shopping week with my mom. Wew! Gonna be tiring weeks. In fact, gue nggak suka mengisi liburan dengan plesiran. Gue mah pilih bikin sarang di kamar, terus bertelor di semua sudut rumah selama liburan (burung?).

Bye, wish you a lovely holiday, pals!

:) :D :P


Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Futsal, Booking Tribun

Kemarin, gue nonton futsal di GOR. Hari UAS terakhir dan sekolah gue pas main. Jadi, gue berniat refreshing. Tapi jadinya malah frustrating. I’ll tell your later.
Oke, kemarin ternyata 123 juga nonton. Hampir seminggu setelah kelas kami terpisah karena UAS, kami nggak nyapa sama sekali. Meskipun, kemarin lusa dia ngejatohin hape gue (yes, he did!). Terus, diledekin sama anak-anak. Well, that doesn’t matter anymore now.
Pas gue dateng, gue duduk di tribun atas dia, agak ke kiri. Dia nggak tahu gue dateng atau emang nggak mau tahu (terserah!), kami diem-dieman. Rollercoaster bener dah tuh orang! Kemarin udah bener-bener nyenengin bisa ketawa-tawa, nah hari berikutnya dia intoxicating sekaliiiiiii.
Gue ditarik sama anak-anak buat duduk di dekat dia. Gue ogah. Tauk kenapa, males banget. Terus setelah nonton partai berikutnya setelah sekolah gue main (FYI, we losT_T), dia pulang. Pamit cuman ke Si Beib, nggak ngeliat even ngelirik gitu ke gue. Ugh! Annoying!
He’s my friend, classmates when we’re in our tenth grade. Anak futsal. Habis main kemarin, dia duduk sama anak-anak yang lain di tribun. Nah, berhubung banyak tribun yang kosong, hehe…dia tiduran aja disitu. Haha…berasa itu tribun udah dia booking khusus gitu. Gue ketawa sama anak-anak liat posisi tidur dia. Dan bebalnya, dia nggak sadar diketawain. Kami makin keras ketawa. Wkwkwk…
Kalo ada yang tau status fb gue kemarin, I hate those words actually, now. But I won’t erase them anyway. That’s a trace of what I had yesterday. But, I do feel so much better now.

Well, thank you for peeking! See you guys!


Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

Exam, Angels and Demons and Chic


Ehem, ehem…

Nggak kerasa udah seminggu lebih gue nggak blogging. Padahal tiap hari ol fb. Which means, gue lagi have nothing to write. Really. Lack of ideas.
Well, anyway…minggu ini gue UAS. Minggu depan gue remidian. Moga aja remidinya dikit, atau malah nggak remidi sama sekali.
Review dikit :
Matik : hancur lebur jadi bubur!
Bahasa Inggris : alhamdulillah…gak mumet.

Penjas : hadeehh…tapi lumayan.

Fisika : so so (hhh…paling juga remed)

Agama : aduh, essaynya lebih gampang timbang multiple. Ayat-ayatnya kabur semua. (kemana?)
Kimia : gak meyakinkan sama sekali…(bbbeeh!)

Jurnal : okelah…

Bahasa Indonesia : homonym sama homofon gue kebalik. Mampus, dah!

PKn : gak yakin, tapi kayaknya gak remed, nih.

Seni rupa : walah, I wasn’t born for art!

Sejarah : biiiuuuh…otak gue tua bener, dah!

Biologi, conversation…dihantam besok!

Gue baru baca Angels and Demons lagi. Ini baru yang kedua kalinya. Dulu pas yang pertama, pinjam punya Kepsek gue. Sekarang, gue donlot ebook-nya. Dan Brown gak ada matinya. Keren mampus!
Pasti udah pada liat filmnya, huhu…Nasib gue tinggal di pedalaman (baca : kota kecil), jadi mesti nunggu sebulan lagi biar bisa pinjem VCDnya. Hiuhh.

Minggu kemarin, gue beli CHIC. Hehe…sok tua, ya gue. Beli majalah buat konsumsi twentysome lady gitu. Gue kehabisan Girlfriend sekalian Cosmogirl. Ugh! KaWanku aja juga kehabisan. Hah! Akhirnya beli CHIC aja.
Isinya oke, cuman yah…lebih serius daripada CG, GF. (ada tentang s*ks-nya juga). Secara majalah ‘dewasa’. Tapi kan gue beranjak dewasa, udah mau 18, jadi ya ok aja. Heheh... (senyum curang)

Eh, udah ya. Mau belajar Bio nih...bye! Mmmwwah!


Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Us, Who were Looking For Something to Remember

Ah, Juni!
Bulan depan Bali udah nunggu buat disamperin. Sounds exciting. Pantai, pura, shops, dan best friends!

Dan oh, ya!
Pacar! Kalau punya…

Eh, kayaknya kalo di‘tembak’ di Bali nanti, seru juga, ya?! Romantis, tepatnya. Di Kuta, pas sunset. Oh, how sweet

I know it would never happen to me, but hei…I have my own dream. And there’s nothing wrong about dreaming, right?

Kalo sampe iya pun, aku nggak bakal nerima. Aku juga nggak bisa nolak, kalo dia (baca:123). Aku bakal bilang, “Tunggu aku pas hari kelulusan…but this, would be the sweetest memory I’ve ever got…from you, Love…

Haha! I sound silly, don’t I? Or pathetic? Which one do you think I do?

I went to Ngebel couple weeks ago. Sorry for the late. I’ve reached the limit of my net connection. So I had to wait to post it on 1st of June. Hehe…

It was a great day! High school…
First year : Nerd, plain
Second year : Play, fun, naughty
Third year : Pray, struggle


Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

No Specific Theme, Just Want to Share

My father was elected to join “Sertifikasi Guru”. And to catch the deadline, he had to work harder than ever and it caused a mess in my house. Take a look at below :

and the result was :

Ok, I know, those pictures don’t assure you much, but that’s what I could get. His mood has been so messy this last week, and even he involved me, my bro, and my mother to help him doing his confusing project (really, it was very tiring and confusing!). We had to collect all certificates that he’s ever gotten, all his duty documents and then we had to make some copies of them. Simple thing actually, but we had to do it carefully and patiently.


Those are my classmates who were playing ‘omben’ during breaktime before the course started, this afternoon. Naughty, huh? I know. I was into the game as the advisor, haha!

In front of my school, those are the street banners of my school. Lya, was on the right side.

Thank you for peeking!


Senin, 18 Mei 2009

My New Header

Anyone could guess what's the picture about?


Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

My Best Boy Friends Ever!

My best boy friends ever :

Lukas Lumadya Laksana a.k.a Luke
Facts :
he’s charming (sometimes)
beautifully black
spoiled (I’m his fake-old sister, anyway)
sneaky boy
basketball-expert (just so you know, he dances when he plays it!)

Wafda Adita Rifai a.k.a Bosh (or I especially call him ‘Si Beib’)
Facts :
he’s awesome

Hope you guys don’t mind if I put your pics here! :P

Quote :

Friendship is not about who you’re friends are, but it’s about the way they look at you, deeply inside.


Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

I Can’t Forgive People Easily, Doesn’t Mean That I Can’t Forgive At All

He did something wrong yesterday.
And I felt like I was the only person who’s trying to keep this relationship goes right.
And simply, he didn’t even realize that he’s done something wrong yesterday.
He acted like everything was “OKAY” this morning. In fact, everything wasn’t “OKAY”. Well, at least for me.
But then, he did something nice today, without even saying ‘sorry’ for what he’s done yesterday.

He’s just so insensitive. And that fact, makes me wonder even harder, “Why do I love that kind of guy?”. I’ve been always dreaming about a guy whom is so sensitive to whatever I feel. And he’s absolutely not. Not at all.
Hhmm…I’m sick and tired of these…but I just can’t quit. Knowing he loves me so, with all his imperfections, that’s enough and I’ll stand it for some more time ahead. I guess…

You’re not perfect, and so am I. So, love, lets make this relationship goes perfect with our imperfections and our immature attitude. I’m trying, I hope so are you.

To you, with all my weakness and strength in a box with a ribbon on it…

Hhh…I don’t know I just love him so bad…weird…


Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Life Doesn’t Give You Difficulties, It Is Your Choice to Make It Difficult or Easy

Jalani saja hidup seperti sungai. Mengalir … Tak usahlah memutuskan ini itu untuk berhenti sejenak demi hal-hal yang tidak esensial dalam arus. Biarkan arus itu membawa kita ke muara akhir yang disiapkan untuk kita.
Tak usah memusingkan sesuatu yang tidak berpengaruh atau hanya memiliki pengaruh sesaat untuk kita. Biarkan saja hal-hal kecil itu larut, jangan biarkan mereka membuat kita berhenti sejenak pun. Jangan biarkan mereka mengambil alih konsentrasi kita akan tujuan akhir yang menunggu kita di depan.
Jika mencintai, biarkan tumbuh alami. Jangan dibunuh atau diberi penyubur biar cepat tumbuh. Biarkan saja! Hal yang tumbuh liar itu terkadang indah, kok.
Jika berhasil, bersyukurlah. Jangan terbuai dengan pujian. Itu hanya akan melemahkan kita. Trust me!
Jika gagal, jangan menyalahkan siapa-siapa, tidak juga diri kita. Memang saat itu bukan waktu kita untuk berhasil, ada orang lain yang akan lebih bijak memanfaatkan keberhasilan itu.
Jika terseok, cari alas kaki baru untuk mendukung pemilihan jalan. Mengerti?
Jika tersandung, bersyukurlah ada kerikil itu. Mengingatkan kita untuk sesekali merunduk.
Jangan biarkan otak berhenti berputar dan terasah. Beranikan diri untuk mengambil resiko daripada nanti menyesalinya karena tidak pernah mencobanya.


I don’t know why, I just wanna write this kind of writing suddenly. My deep brain might just worked a way deeper than usual.
If you don’t mind, after you read this, share me your essential things. I do wanna know about those of yours, really.
Thank you!


Jumat, 01 Mei 2009


From every wound there's a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, I survived.

Nowhere on your birth certificate did it say life would be fair.


I love those quotations. From Glam Girls, I just finished it.


Jumat, 17 April 2009

What I Hate and I Love

So, how was everything going, people? On my spot, everything’s just great! I’ll tell you why, at the end of the post. Well now I’m gonna share the things I hate and I love. I did arrange them from the most. So, here they are :

:( Called by “Sitoh” by anyone but my Nimo. Ugh! Why can’t they just respect my own name? Call me “Mazhi” or “Masithoh” and I will appreciate you more!
:( Snake!
:( Pink!

:( Shrimp! Ugh! I’m allergic to shrimp!

:( Being fooled! Well, who doesn’t?
:( Got my SMS unreplied. Feels like I’m alone. Really.
:( Too many holiday(s)! I hate that! School is the only place where I can meet him,123!
:( Backstabbers! They’re so mean!

:( Got a bad mark for Biology. It makes me feel so stupid!
:(‘kancrut” songs, by ‘kancrut” bands!
:( Got sweaty when I’m nervous.
:( Failed to throw my basketball in.
:( Found my shoes in a dusty condition in my cupboard.

:) My family!
:) 123!
:) Everything that contains green in it!
:) Sneakers!
:) Being loved. Well, who doesn’t?
:) Stay longer at school with him.
:) Love songs! Especially, which is sung by guys.
:) Love stories! Make me wanna be them, in the story.
:) Facebook! Haha!
:) Finally got what I want for a long time.
:) My books!

:) My room!

:) My cell phone.
:) My notebook.
:) My blog.
:) Found my uniform was ready to wear.
:) Shouting “Yes, I did it!”. Makes me feel so genius. Weird, huh?
:) Internet!


The reason why everything was so great this week is that I’m getting closer with him. Messages every afternoon or night and a li’l conversation at school. He makes my everyday!
But still, I can’t find my reason why I love him. Some may say, there’s always ‘why’ for anything that happened, but this one, there’s no ‘why’. Well, no ‘why’ needed actually…to fall in love. Yes or no?


Selasa, 14 April 2009

Today was A Love Day! Iyay!

Yes, it was!

I know I may sound a little bit corny, but that’s the fact! Today was my love day! LOL. He asked me to talk about something which was a little bit serious, and the beginning was sooo sweet…

For such a long time we didn’t talk the way we did today. He didn’t even know my number, so he couldn’t ask me anything he may needed to know (I changed my number a month a go).

Sooo...he asked me about my number and I gave it. He wrote it on his book, then he kept it in his bag. I told him not to lose it again, cause he’s ever done it before. Then he asked me why I changed my number. ‘Was it that girl?’, he asked. The girl was the topic that we discussed today. She bothered me so that I had to change my number. But I answered, ‘No, it wasn’t. She’s just the small part, not the big one.’ I skipped the chance to answer his question honestly.

AND HE DID ASK ME about someone who declared his feeling to me a month a go (which was my biggest reason why I changed my number, honestly, but I didn't tell him). He did care about that! Wow! What a sweet fact!

Then we talked, talked, talked and talked. My besties did disturb us when we were talking. And I can’t believe they recorded it! Ugh! But it was funny to watch. Haha! And he, 123, caught Si Beib when he recorded us from outside the class. I wish you were there to see Si Beib’s face when he got caught! Haha!
After that conversation, I’ve got to lead a meeting with some of first grader. And he waited me for that. Then we walked together to the parking area and went home happily.Hehe...

What a sweet day!


Minggu, 12 April 2009

Life…Well, Define It!

I tell you, life is just about working, whatever the job is. Almost everytime we have to work on something. Your career, your schooling stuff, or your homework. It’s a real home-work I mean, the things you do at home like helping your mother clean the kitchen, cleaning your room or even your house, and blablabla…
Aren’t we sick and tired of those sometimes? Admit it, cause I am. It’s like we’d never have a real break time. When we've found a place that could give us a spot to relax, it’s only for seconds. Never really have minutes, even hours. Got it?


This week, I had my midterm test. Ugh! I tell you, it was so frustrating. Like you don’t have anything else to think but the tests. Chemistry, math, phy, bio and so on. And I’m a science class student. The science tests made my my brain so full of numbersome thingies. When I had the chemistry test, my brain is like full of acid, liquid base, salt hydrolysis, etc. When I had my math test, it’s full of polynomial, invers, function, etc. They’re making my brain less responsive of anything else (such as : foods, television, gossips and my dreamy bf). Really, I mean it.


But you can’t just run away from all of those, right?

I have to think about it positively, so I can make it funnier and more enjoyable. It’s worth to do for my future. And also, it’s worth to tell you what I’m thinking. Cause I can’t keep it alone. I’m not an introvert person. So, share me something after you read this!

Love you all, especially for you who give me comment on this! ;)
