Postingan ini khusus buat hasil kerja gue dalam ngerjain PR dari Uly. And, here we go, folks…
Dan seperti kata Uly :
The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 People.
The age of my next birthday
A favourite place
A favourite food
A favourite thing
A favourite colour
A city I was bornA city you’ve ever lived in
A nickname I had
College major
Name of my love
A bad habit
A hobby
Wishlist (3)
Oke, selesai deh. Oia, gue terusin PR ini ke 7 orang lagi. They are :
Yang belum kebagian, don’t worry be happy. Ntar kalo gue dapet PR lagi, gue bagi ke yang lain, deh. Terus, buat yang kebagian, dilanjutin yah. Kalo udah diambil dan dikerjakan kasih tahu gue, ntar gue tengokin.
Oh no, I'm gonna be late for Junior Red Cross time, people. So, I’ll see you around!
3 casciscus:
waduh PR lagi tow,hadeh,kok gue ditimpuk banyag PR ya
pr nya udah dikerjakan :)))
prnya ribet n banyak banget....ntar aja ah kalo inget dikerjainnya....
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