Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

No Specific Theme, Just Want to Share

My father was elected to join “Sertifikasi Guru”. And to catch the deadline, he had to work harder than ever and it caused a mess in my house. Take a look at below :

and the result was :

Ok, I know, those pictures don’t assure you much, but that’s what I could get. His mood has been so messy this last week, and even he involved me, my bro, and my mother to help him doing his confusing project (really, it was very tiring and confusing!). We had to collect all certificates that he’s ever gotten, all his duty documents and then we had to make some copies of them. Simple thing actually, but we had to do it carefully and patiently.


Those are my classmates who were playing ‘omben’ during breaktime before the course started, this afternoon. Naughty, huh? I know. I was into the game as the advisor, haha!

In front of my school, those are the street banners of my school. Lya, was on the right side.

Thank you for peeking!


Senin, 18 Mei 2009

My New Header

Anyone could guess what's the picture about?


Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

My Best Boy Friends Ever!

My best boy friends ever :

Lukas Lumadya Laksana a.k.a Luke
Facts :
he’s charming (sometimes)
beautifully black
spoiled (I’m his fake-old sister, anyway)
sneaky boy
basketball-expert (just so you know, he dances when he plays it!)

Wafda Adita Rifai a.k.a Bosh (or I especially call him ‘Si Beib’)
Facts :
he’s awesome

Hope you guys don’t mind if I put your pics here! :P

Quote :

Friendship is not about who you’re friends are, but it’s about the way they look at you, deeply inside.


Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

I Can’t Forgive People Easily, Doesn’t Mean That I Can’t Forgive At All

He did something wrong yesterday.
And I felt like I was the only person who’s trying to keep this relationship goes right.
And simply, he didn’t even realize that he’s done something wrong yesterday.
He acted like everything was “OKAY” this morning. In fact, everything wasn’t “OKAY”. Well, at least for me.
But then, he did something nice today, without even saying ‘sorry’ for what he’s done yesterday.

He’s just so insensitive. And that fact, makes me wonder even harder, “Why do I love that kind of guy?”. I’ve been always dreaming about a guy whom is so sensitive to whatever I feel. And he’s absolutely not. Not at all.
Hhmm…I’m sick and tired of these…but I just can’t quit. Knowing he loves me so, with all his imperfections, that’s enough and I’ll stand it for some more time ahead. I guess…

You’re not perfect, and so am I. So, love, lets make this relationship goes perfect with our imperfections and our immature attitude. I’m trying, I hope so are you.

To you, with all my weakness and strength in a box with a ribbon on it…

Hhh…I don’t know I just love him so bad…weird…


Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Life Doesn’t Give You Difficulties, It Is Your Choice to Make It Difficult or Easy

Jalani saja hidup seperti sungai. Mengalir … Tak usahlah memutuskan ini itu untuk berhenti sejenak demi hal-hal yang tidak esensial dalam arus. Biarkan arus itu membawa kita ke muara akhir yang disiapkan untuk kita.
Tak usah memusingkan sesuatu yang tidak berpengaruh atau hanya memiliki pengaruh sesaat untuk kita. Biarkan saja hal-hal kecil itu larut, jangan biarkan mereka membuat kita berhenti sejenak pun. Jangan biarkan mereka mengambil alih konsentrasi kita akan tujuan akhir yang menunggu kita di depan.
Jika mencintai, biarkan tumbuh alami. Jangan dibunuh atau diberi penyubur biar cepat tumbuh. Biarkan saja! Hal yang tumbuh liar itu terkadang indah, kok.
Jika berhasil, bersyukurlah. Jangan terbuai dengan pujian. Itu hanya akan melemahkan kita. Trust me!
Jika gagal, jangan menyalahkan siapa-siapa, tidak juga diri kita. Memang saat itu bukan waktu kita untuk berhasil, ada orang lain yang akan lebih bijak memanfaatkan keberhasilan itu.
Jika terseok, cari alas kaki baru untuk mendukung pemilihan jalan. Mengerti?
Jika tersandung, bersyukurlah ada kerikil itu. Mengingatkan kita untuk sesekali merunduk.
Jangan biarkan otak berhenti berputar dan terasah. Beranikan diri untuk mengambil resiko daripada nanti menyesalinya karena tidak pernah mencobanya.


I don’t know why, I just wanna write this kind of writing suddenly. My deep brain might just worked a way deeper than usual.
If you don’t mind, after you read this, share me your essential things. I do wanna know about those of yours, really.
Thank you!


Jumat, 01 Mei 2009


From every wound there's a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, I survived.

Nowhere on your birth certificate did it say life would be fair.


I love those quotations. From Glam Girls, I just finished it.
